Cardiac Event Monitor

Evaluates pathological electrocardiographic events over a period of eight days to a month

The cardiac event monitor is performed using the "Novacor R.Test Evolution", which is a miniature ambulatory ECG recorder and is capable of memorising the most significant pathological events (symptomatic or silent), as well as the patient's continuous heart rate from 8 days to a month.

The system consists of a unit weighing about 40g, and by using a lightweight neck cable,which can be worn by the patient unobtrusively and without any discomfort. The R.Test Evolution is connected to the patient by a system of electrodes and a neck cable.

Cardiac events are memorised by the R.Test Evolution and then transferred by a decoder, to a computer for interpretation.

For further information and to arrange an appointment please contact us
Tel: 01234247414 - 07535502085